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Stock Adjustments

Adjustments to stock can be implemented in a number of ways:

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Stock Transfers

Defining Stock Transfer Form

Details Line Tab

Notes Tab


Custom Fields

To Do

Creating Stock Transfers

Into Stock

Out of Stock

To Another Part Number

Serialised Stock / Bin Location

Copying a Stock Transfer

Reverse or Mirror a Transfer


MNT10101 - Stock Transfer

INTRN010 - Inventory Stock Transfers

Stock Takes

Defining Stock Take Form


Part Grid Section

Creating New Stock Takes

Part Number Order

Bin Location Order


MNT12403 - Stocktake - All Stock

INTRN050 - Stocktake

INTRN060 - Stocktake Active Stock

Warehouse Transfers

System Configuration

Defining the Warehouse Transfer Forms

Warehouse Transfer Outwards

Warehouse Transfer Inwards

Purchase Order On Another Warehouse

Warehouse Outwards

Using In Transit Warehouse

Using Picking

Additional Costs

Serial Numbers / Bin Locations

Back Orders

Warehouse Transfer Inwards

Serial Numbers

Bin Locations

Receive More Than

Receiving Less

Purchase Orders on Another Warehouse

Create a New Warehouse Purchase Order

Receiving in Stock

Viewing Warehouse Transfer Information


MNT12201 - Warehouse Transfer Detailed

Update Cost Price Change

Defining the Form


Detail Section

Total Section

Creating New Update Change Cost Prices

Update Cost Price Report

MNT10701 - Cost Price Adjustments

Splitting Stock on Hand